摘要:AbstractProblem StatementPursuing high performances in student's competitions is an extracurricular activity that generates stress and the intensity of this stress is positively and high correlated with the frequency of somatic symptoms generated by stress. Purpose and objectives of the studyThis study was focused on the stress which generated somatic symptoms at Romanian teachers from kindergarten and primary schools, studying its connection with the stress generated by one of the extracurricul ar activities. There were compared two types of motivations for work and their effect on the relation between stress and somatic symptoms. MethodologyData were collected from a total number of 1169 teachers from Romania, Iaşi County, aged from 19 to 60 (M=42): 501 teachers were from kindergarten and 668 from the primary school. Somatic complaints, stress related to curricular and extracurricular activities, and intrinsic-extrinsic motivations are measured with Likert 6 point scales. Findings and conclusionIntrinsic-extrinsic motivation, stress related to extracurricular activities and somatic complaints are evaluated. The associations between the stress generated by the imposed extracurricular activities and somatic complaints (a) headaches, (b) inability to concentrate, (c) colds, (d)sore throats, and (e)dizziness) are described. As expected, their relations are stronger when the motivation for the extracurricular activities is extrinsic then when these are intrinsic. As main result there was found that the frequency of somatic symptoms was significantly and positively correlated with teacher's stress generated by pursuing high performance in children's competitions.
关键词:motivation;work-stress;somatic symptoms;kindergarten and primary school teachers ;