摘要:AbstractThe objective of this study was to identify the differences existing at the personality level, between the normal weight and overweight athlete and non-athlete female students. The five dimensions (Sociability, Sensation Seeking, Neuroticism- anxiety, Activity and Aggression-hostility) investigated by us, were measured through the ZKPQ personality questionnaire belonging to the Cognitrom Assessment System for computer-assisted psychological assessment platform, designed by Cognitrom. Pursuant the application of the Kruskal-Wallis test, statistically significant (p < 0.05) differences between the results on Neuroticism-anxiety scale and the results on the Aggression-hostility scale were found. The athletes prove a lower anxiety level and, at the same time, a higher aggression level, compared to the non-athlete female students from the faculty non-specialized in sports (between whom there are no significant differences). This can be explained by the effects of exercising a performance sport over the development of their personality, the athlete female students becoming more confident in their own capacities, not being concerned by things without importance, but being more aggressive, this attitude facilitating, along with pugnacity and assiduity, the success in competition.