摘要:AbstractThe vide use of information and communication technologies significantly expanded possibilities to find out and use information in study process. Students very intensively are using these technologies and it is very positive fact. But at the same time increased the risk students should give in to temptation of use some texts or data without referencing the original source. Plagiarism is declared as unacceptable in legal acts and institutional regulations, but students are plagiarising and HEIs are trying to make barriers for this kind of academic dishonesty. The main purpose of research presented in this article it was to provide investigation into measures, used for plagiarism prevention in students’ written works, and to analyse the effectiveness of plagiarism prevention measures used in university investigated. Seeking this purpose it was made overview of proposed plagiarism prevention measures, practices of implementation of these measures and their impact on students behaviour provided in scientific publications, prepared questioning for case study and made analysis of plagiarism prevention measures used in university investigated in light of legal regulation of these issues and discussed effectiveness of really applied measures in university investigated as well as recommendations for other HEIs in Lithuania and beyond.