摘要:AbstractThe present study examines the relationship between resilience and school completion of immigrant youth in Spain. Ninety- four students in their fourth year compulsory education participated in the study; they were from 19 different nationalities, between 15 and 18 years of age, and the ratio boys/girls was 55/45. There were no significant differences by gender, age, residence time, or incorporation into the education system. Differences were associated to cultural groups and variables related with academic self-perception. Finally, it was shown that young students that continue their studies beyond obligatory education have higher levels of resilience, as measured by the SV-RES scale. Overall, the findings in this study suggest the activation of the relational dimension of “social capital” in youth, as for example through mentoring or service-learning programs.
关键词:resilience;school success;immigrant youth;academic transition;high school