摘要:AbstractThe fast growth of cities combined with the growing needs of city users, including freight carriers, residents, shippers, trade associations, in turn leads to significant problems with transport coordination and achieving its highest possible efficiency (having taken into account efficient use of loading space, limiting the fleet operation costs, ensuring fast deliveries, etc.). These factors result in the need to search for methods that enable effective implementation of solutions aimed at streamlining and optimising urban freight transport management. All implementation processes may be completed based on three major approaches: developing completely new solutions from scratch – creation, direct copying of practically proven solutions – transfer and transferring practically proven solutions while making changes that mainly depend on the implementation environment – adaptation. The adaptation of good practice makes it possible to avoid mistakes and also to indicate to stakeholders the potential benefits experienced by the cities that have already been using good practice. This paper is focused on a methodology for efficient implementation of urban freight transport (UFT) measures based on the adaptation approach.