摘要:AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of variable practice in learning the header skill in soccer. Thirty nine young athletes aged 10-12 (M=11.6, SD=0.55) with a training experience of 2 years (M=1.75, SD=0.25) were randomly divided in two groups. The first experimental group (VPG, n=20) followed a training program planned and organized by variable method of practice while the second experimental group (SPG, n=19) followed a stable/constant practice method. Both methods aimed at learning of the header skill. The duration of the intervention was eight (8) weeks; three (3) times per week, for 20min. Participants of both groups were measured before the intervention (pre-test), after eight weeks of intervention (post-test) and one week after the final test without having any practice at all of header skill (retention test). For the header skill evaluation the test of i-Soccer (http://www.playisoccer.com/header) was used. ANOVA repeated measures indicated that there was an interaction effect between measures and group. Analyzing the interaction for the repeated factor “measure”, a significant effect for variable group but not for stable group in the header skill was revealed. The athletes of variable group benefited from variable practice and they shaped the motor schema of header skill. In conclusion, coaches and physical education teachers could use variable practice in the long term development of soccer's header skill, if they have as a goal for their athletes to perform the skill in game situations.