摘要:AbstractThe present study investigates the relationships between employees’ organizational commitment and withholding effort, resistance to change, and burnout as negative aspects of organizational commitment. The research involved 1053 Lithuanian employees working in different public and private organizations. A questionnaire made up of Organizational commitment questionnaire (Meyer et al., 1993), Withholding effort scale (Kidwell, Robie, 2003, taken from Schnake, 2007), Resistance to change scale (Oreg, 2003), Maslach Burnout inventory (MBI-GS; Maslach et al., 1996), and sociodemographic questions was used for gathering data. The stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that affective commitment was the most positive component of organizational commitment for organization, whereas continuance commitment has had negative aspects for organization mostly. The conclusion has been made that various components of organizational commitment have different implications for organization.