摘要:AbstractIn this study, it is aimed at specifying using methods and technics by making article content analysis in Turkish and English about computer teaching teacher's view, methods and technics about computer teaching methods published between 2009-2013. It has been analized 88 articles which are published in journals named TURKISH ONLINE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (TOJET), EĞİTİM ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ (EJER), TÜRK EĞİTİM BİLİMLERİ DERGİSİ (TEBD), TÜRK FEN EĞİTİMİ DERGİSİ (TÜFED), TÜRK BİLGİSAYAR ve MATEMATİK EGİTİMİ DERGİSİ (TÜRKBİLMAT),ULUSAL AKADEMİK AĞ VE BİLGİ MERKEZİ OLAN ULAKBİM, Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Education (HUJOE). These studies have been analyzed research subject, size of study group, specification type of the study group, research type, data collection tools and methods of data analysis. According to findings, it has been seen that TOJET is the journal which is involved in technology mostly. In the study, it has been specified that learning environment and technology are subjects which are mostly discussed in the researches about educational technologies. This follows the subjects which are distance learning, multimedia and teacher training. Besides, it is seen that there are more studies on quantitative research and survey method is often used.