摘要:AbstractA plethora of studies have reported on the negative relationship between Psychological Contract Breach (PCB) and work attitudes such as Job Satisfaction (JS) and Organizational Commitment (OC). Prior research has examined and elaborated the aforementioned relationships through the spectrum of social exchange and equity theory, which suggest that individuals search for fair and balanced exchange relationships. This study aims to provide empirical evidence on the role of PCB and JS as predictors of OC of bank employees in Greece. PCB is conceptualized by six dimensions: (a) benefits, (b) pay, (c) advancement opportunities, (d) the work itself, (e) resource support, and (f) a good employment relationship.Drawing from a sample of 262 bank employees, this study confirms the mediating role of JS on association between specific PCB aspects and OC, elevating the importance of their role in the organizational context of the banking sector.