摘要:AbstractA novel robust fault-tolerant control design for linear descriptor systems is proposed in this paper, with fault tolerant control action achieved via a normal state estimate feedback derived usingH∞optimization and fault compensation. A robust functional (reduced order) observer approach is proposed to estimate the controller directly. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given to ensure the asymptotic stability of the functional observer.H∞optimization with LMI regional pole placement is used to design the functional observer so that satisfactory estimation and closed-loop system transient performances are achieved, subject to bounded faults and disturbance. Then, a step-by-step fault-tolerant control design procedure for obtaining both the controller and observer design parameters is given. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed design is illustrated using a numerical example.
关键词:KeywordsRobust Fault-Tolerant ControlFunctional ObserverH∞OptimizationPole PlacementLinear Descriptor Systems