摘要:AbstractThis paper is dedicated to the problem of management and understanding features in communication depending on level of emotional intelligence. The emotional intelligence plays essential role in success of interpersonal communication and, as a result, in formation of interpersonal relations, including management activity as the leader. We made the assumption that as higher EI level is, than level of communicative, organizational skills and empathy is high during communicative process. We studied the understanding and management features of other person depending on level of emotional intelligence. The research findings showed that certain level of EI has impact on a level of communicative and organizational skills during communication. It has positive correlation between a level of EI and a level of communicative skills. Correctly developed emotional intelligence creates conditions for communicative and organizational skills formation. as higher EI development level is, than level of communicative, organizational skills and empathy is high during communicative process. The made assumption of interrelation of emotional intelligence with empathy was confirmed (degree of reliability 0.01).