标题:Attitude Difference between Fathers and Mothers toward Fathers Involvement in Child Rearing Activities among Couples with 0-12 Months Old Babies. Community based Study in a Primary Health Care Setting
摘要:AbstractParents need to be active in child rearing activities from the beginning of the baby's life. So far, child rearing activities are more related to mothers rather than fathers. That is why fathers are not involved in baby rearing activities. Many factors influence father involvement in child rearing activities, one of these factors is the mother's attitude toward father involvement. This research will investigate the differences of attitude between fathers and mothers toward father involvement in child rearing activities among couples with 0-12 month old babies. This is a community based study and data were collected in a primary health care setting. There are 102 data pairs of fathers and mothers. Results indicated that fathers’ attitude toward child rearing is significantly influenced by their spouses’ attitude. It means if mothers have a positive attitude toward father involvement, fathers will also have a positive attitude. And if mothers have a negative attitude toward father's involvement in child rearing activities, fathers will have a negative attitude. This research also found that mothers had a more positive attitude toward father involvement rather than father. The reason why fathers have lower attitude compared to mothers is because of their lack of confidence and lack of positive feedback in child rearing activities. Higher involvement in child rearing among fathers should be encouraged through their spouses.
关键词:Father Involvement;Child Rearing Activities;Primary Health Care Setting