摘要:AbstractResults of investigation of the structure of value sphere of Kazakhstan's title ethnic group are described. Analysis of value orientations enabled us to ascertain the factor structure of value sphere of Kazakhstan's title ethnic group and to approach a better understanding of ethno psychological peculiarities of value sphere of Kazakh people in modern sociocultural conditions. Theoretical foundations of the given investigation are Schwartz's and Rokeach's conceptions of human values. Schwartz Value Survey, Rokeach Value Survey, Fantalova's method of the value orientations system diagnostics (modified by Kolmogorova, Kashirsky), modified Kuhn's The Twenty Statements Test ‘Who am I’ were used. Such set of methods was chosen both for assessment of the structure of value sphere and comparative analysis of methods according to their informative strength in the value sphere. Schwartz Value Survey proved to be a most powerful method in comparison with other methods used. Respondents were from 20 to 55 years old (N=100). The sample is gender biased (12% male, 88% female). All respondents were townspeople and office workers. Latent factors in the order of decreasing of their significance for the structure of value sphere of Kazakhstan's Title Ethnic Group may be characterized as follows. Dominant values are: competence, purposefulness, orderliness. Depressed values are: ability to maintain own opinion, national value of belonging to title ethnic group, initiative. Thus, results of factor analysis enable us to make conclusion that the structure of value sphere of Kazakhstan's title ethnic group is many-sided and includes both individual and group, social values. First, most important value orientations are showing that individual values, enabling to reach social success, success in work activities are predominating. Value orientations related to principles of ecological expediency, maintenance of traditions and equal rights, freedom are also significant. The interesting detail consists in essential representation in the structure of value sphere of value orientations showing relations with others, namely, desire to be useful, to act for others. It is possible that last, depressed values are related to newest Kazakhstan's history of soviet period when possibilities of following national system of values were not encouraged, on the contrary, they were restricted and some actions were prohibited. From our point of view, this circumstance must be taken into account by decision makers forming the system of national values.
关键词:value sphere;value orientations;factor analysis;structure of value sphere;ethno psychological peculiarities of value sphere