摘要:AbstractMobile phones is one of the most preferred digital devices in constituting a large part of our daily lives in particular. Using of the mobile phones with technical innovations has become more common for this group named as generation Z. Creating a new and different social environment with sharing the private life in social websites like as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. has reach a level that is closer to their social life than real life. It has been believed that smart phone usage especially in these generations has become an addiction and is considered that this situation has an effect to great extent on their social life and psychology. The aim of the study is to analyze mobile addiction of generation Z and how this addiction impacts in their social and individual lifes. In this study, the determination of the importance of factors that affect the mobile dependence of the generation Z and whether has an impact of the generations Z's social lifes or not, was evaluated by creating a new scale and utilizing a variety of scales in literature. This research was done with university students aged 18-23 is composed of a sample consisting of 276 persons.