摘要:AbstractThe purpose of the development of the Thai Buddhist lifestyles application based on the Android operating system is to develop a database system for the lifestyle of Thai Buddhist to serve as a channel for disseminating information about Buddhist ceremony so that most people in the country can appreciate the difference of the two Thai Buddhist dominations. The sources of information were obtained by the student at The Education Center of Buddhist on Sunday of Rajadhiwaswihara temple (Dhammayut domination) and from senior monks while the developer had undergone the ordination at Nimanorradi temple (MahaNikaya domination). It can be concluded that when a new media technologies was made available to the people, it can stir great interests and help gain easy access to Religions information since the system can be adapted to users easily due to the fact that the data is stored and available on the users devices. This is also beneficial to the students who used the program and the youth can use such technology to reach the creativity and benefits. The results were satisfactory as follows: Means for teachers and students were 4.05 and 3.97 respectively, and standard deviation for specialists and users were 0.563 and 0.644 respectively.
关键词:Thai Buddhist;Android Operating System;Dhammayut domination and Maha Nikaya domination.