摘要:AbstractPolitical and economic conditions having been taken into account, the system and process of education have substantially changed within the last 20 years. The 20-year period is rather long to be evaluated, the strengths defined, weaknesses discovered and opportunities and threats considered. Above all, modern technologies penetrated the whole society and have become standard on the higher education level. These were the main reasons why in 2013 the graduates were addressed to complete the questionnaire focusing on evaluation of their higher studies at FIM and the reflection to the “world of work”. More than 5,000 students have graduated from the faculty within the 20-year period; approximately 900 of them have registered on the Alumni Portal. These graduates were addressed to fulfil the questionnaire which was presented on the university web page for three months. The questionnaire contained 85 items structured in 10 fields. The method of frequency analysis was applied and data were processed by the NCSS2007 statistic software. Results were presented in diagrams and interpreted in a wider context.