摘要:AbstractThe purpose of this research was to develop information systems for the traditional occupation of the local community. To store the occupation database and to promote and occupation on website. By working in a Web Application to provide services to users anywhere with the convenient and faster. This system was developed to run on MySQL database system, using PHP and JavaScript for programming languages. For system evaluation, we used questionnaires for quality test that were conducted by 7 specialists and 30 users, data were analysed by the mean and the standard deviation. Results of this study were as followed. Means for specialists and users were 4.32 and 4.53 and standard deviation for specialists and users were 0.55 and 0.61 respectively. Further analysis showed that the quality of information systems for the traditional occupation of the local community was also at a good level and could be use in real system.
关键词:Traditional occupation;Community;Web application;and black box technique