摘要:AbstractPlanning to retain ICT knowledge workers is one of the main necessities of a successful business in telecommunication industry in Iran and in the world; because in a competitive environment, organizations can hardly retain their specialized and expert human resources and they are constantly exposed to recruitment policies of competing organizations. Considering these conditions, suitable strategies must be implemented to prevent employee turnover. In this regard, the aim of the present research is to design an expert-based fuzzy inference system in order to study ICT knowledge workers’ turnover in Iranian telecommunication industry. Therefore, based on the process of decision making in a fuzzy environment which consists of the three phases of fuzzification, fuzzy inference and defuzzification, the system was designed and inference rules were formulated by consulting experts and those involved in this industry. The obtained model makes it possible to predict turnover based on various inputs (variables affecting turnover). Thus, human resources planners and managers in Iranian telecommunication industry can use fuzzy inference system for predicting turnover in order to support decision-making and develop strategies and plans for retention of their knowledge workers.