标题:The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility, Service Experience and Intercultural Competence on Customer Company Identification, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty (Case Study: PDAM Tirta Khatulistiwa Pontianak West Kalimantan)
摘要:AbstractThis study combines two views, the first view is stating that consumer behaviour is influenced by the experience of the service received and the second view is about customer company identification formed due to corporate social responsibility towards the environment and intercultural competence in providing services to customers. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of corporate social responsibility, service experience and intercultural competence on customer company identification and customer satisfaction as well as its impact on customer loyalty in PDAM Tirta Khatulistiwa Pontianak.
关键词:CSR;service experience;intercultural competence;customer company identification;customer satisfaction;and customer loyalty.