标题:Model of Independent Working Group of Teacher and its Effectiveness towards the Elementary School Teacher's Ability in Conducting Mathematics Learning
摘要:AbstractReferring to the issues of the Working Group of Teacher (WGT) performance which has not been optimized, this research aims to develop a qualified and independent model of WGT, and to know its effectiveness to improve the WGT performance and the elementary school teachers’ ability in conducting mathematics learning. This research was conducted using research and development design. The validation of the model involved experts who came from academician, practitioner, and policy maker. The effectiveness testing of the model was carried out through experimental activities using one group of the pre- and post-test design. The result of the model implementation showed that the compatibility of WGT activities was 80%, the practicability of the model principles was 79.63%, and the independence of WGT was 96.56%. The normalized gain of the effectiveness of the model to improve the WGT performance and the elementary school teacher's ability in conducting mathematics learning was 0.54 (medium category) and 0.37 (medium category), respectively.
关键词:working group of teacher;elementary school teacher;mathematics learning;research and development