摘要:AbstractIn order to solve environmental problems, it is necessary to form ecological culture in society. A great opportunity in addressing this problem is design. Design as a global phenomenon, an element of industrial production and socio-cultural activity, connects the material and spiritual cultures, responds to and is determined by social processes. Design has a significant influence on people and can help in solving the environmental issues. For this, ecological thinking of future professionals, ecological culture and ecological competency of designers have to be formed already in the process of design-education. The students have to realize the socio-cultural role and possibilities of their profession, the ecological imperative of design. The authors of this article propose the course of “Ecological Design”, its structure and content. Students get the opportunity to master both the technological and compositional artistic techniques of ecologization of environment.
关键词:sustainable development;socio-cultural role of design;ecological design;ecological culture;design-education