摘要:AbstractThe purpose of the study was to exam the validity and reliability of the teacher self-efficacy scale for Iranian sample. The sample consisted of 280 teachers (166 female and 114 male). All participants filled out the Persian form of teacher self-efficacy scale and self-esteem questionnaire. Teacher self-efficacy includes 28 items. Participants rate their confidence by recording a number from 0 to 100. Principle component factor analysis was used to exam factor structure of the teacher self-efficacy scale. The results revealed a four factors structure. These factors named: instructional self-efficacy, efficacy to create positive school climate, efficacy to enlist community involvement, and efficacy to influence decision making. Alpha coefficients for these factors were ranged between .77 to .85 and test-retest reliability for those were ranged between .77 to .83. In sum, the results showed that teacher self-efficacy is a reliable and valid instrument for Iranian sample.