摘要:Land pooling and readjustment (LPR) is a significant instrument which is used to the rapid development of urbanization. It is a way of urban expansion and renovation without any compulsory revoking of land. By this way, people should not be relocated like in other ordinary planning projects, but they are encouraged to contribute their land (or land value) for construction and modernization of infrastructure system. Therefore, after contribution, remaining land will increase its value, and living conditions will also be improved. Especially, this approach is effectively implemented in urban renovation projects in various countries and regions worldwide, i.e. Japan, Germany, Korea, Taiwan, The United States of America, Australia, India, and Thailand. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated for mitigating unusual urban growth in peripheral areas. This study aims to perform the significances of LPR instrument, as well as demonstrate its practical impacts by analyzing an implemented case-study of Tra Vinh city. Recommendation of deployment is also done as a solution for renovation of landscapes of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) embankments.