摘要:This paper discusses the results of an experimental investigation on the shear properties of natural fibre composites using the V-Notch or Iosipescu shear test. The natural fiber composites were made of jute and hemp fibers reinforced epoxy polymer resin. The testing was conducted using an MTS machine equipped with a 10 kN load cell in accordance with the ASTM standard D5379M. The testing machine was set-up to apply a load with a speed of 2 mm/min. It was found that the jute fiber composites (JFC) have an average shear stress of 25.56 MPa, while the hemp fiber composites (HFC) have an average value of 22.46 MPa. The loaddisplacement graphs showed a nearly linear trend at the initial loading stage that slightly deflected prior to reaching the maximum load. Most of the specimens in both groups, JFC and HFC, showed fractures in a diagonal cracking pattern, known as an off-axial failure mode. Only a few specimens collapsed across the notched section. Both are customary failure modes for this type of shear test.