摘要:It is found that the ways of storing radish root vegetables have different effect on their nutritive properties. The data obtained show that the total mass losses during storage in containers in bulk range from 14.80% (Bila Zymova Skvyrska) to 19.20% (Daikon Bile Iklo). Storage in containers with a polyethylene liner and with a layer of damp sand on top results in total mass losses of 6.67 to 10.38% (Chorna Zymova Skvyrska and Daikon Bile Iklo, respectively); storage in containers with a polyethylene liner and open top leads to 12.30–16.65% losses in mass (Bila Zymova Skvyrska and Daikon Bile Iklo, respectively). It has been studied for different radish varieties how product losses and the dynamics of the content of dry substances, sugars, organic acids, and vitamin C depend on the method of storage. The amount of vitamin C, when radish root vegetables were stored in the traditional way in a container, decreased by 1.7–2.5 mg/100 g (the varieties Sertse Drakona and Marhelanska, respectively). The use of a polyethylene liner can reduce the loss of ascorbic acid by 40–55% of the initial content in the product. On the contrary, spreading a layer of wet sand on top contributes to an increase in vitamin C in the varieties of the radish root under study. So, its amount at the end of the storage period was 24.67 mg/100 g (Daikon Bile Iklo) to 35.00 mg/100 g (Troiandova).It has been experimentally determined that the chemical composition of the varieties Chorna Zymova Skvyrska, Bila Zymova Skvyrska, Marushka, Troiandova, Sertse Drakona remains quite stable during all storage period. They are resistant to intensive sprouting, and quantitative losses do not exceed 17 % even under traditional storage in containers in bulk. The varieties Lebidka, Marhelanska and Daikon Bile Iklo require special storage conditions which would not only provide temperature and humidity control, but, for example, the selection of gas composition or products ventilation rate, etc., as well. It has been proved that radishes are best stored in containers with a polyethylene liner, covered with a wet sand layer. This method provides high humidity, a stable temperature, and the optimum content of carbon dioxide. Besides, i allows reducing the loss in dry substances and sugars, and preventing the intensive sprouting of the root vegetables, with up to 94 % of them remaining in saleable condition by the end of the storage period. The storage of root vegetables with the use of a wet sand covering layer provides an increase in vitamin C content.