摘要:Journal Motricidade is going to publish its Volume 14 in 2018. We would like to start this editorial with a special thanks to the Editorial Board, namely the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors. Without their selfless endeavor it would not be possible to reach this volume. We would also like to thank the authors whose confidence in our publication should be praised. We would like to dedicate, in the present editorial, a special recognition to the panel of reviewers. This rigorous double-blind review process that we adopted is only possible due to the solidarity of experts from the various areas covered by the scope of Motricidade. With the advent of platforms that record the revisions made (e.g. Publons, Reviewer Credits, Peerage of Science, and Elsevier’s Reviewer Recognition), the reviewers can obtain the deserved credits, but never enough to match the work they put in the editorial flow of Motricidade or any other Journal or Scientific Publication. With the beginning of this new year, in this new volume we will do an update of the international editorial board, inviting new colleagues to be part of this project (http://revistas.rcaap.pt/motricidade/about/editorialTeam), ensuring that their contribution will be positive and enriching, as it was the contribution of colleagues who were part of our editorial board during past years. In this issue of Motricidade we publish a supplement of the 6th International Symposium of Strength & Conditioning, held in Fortaleza in September of 2017. Motricidade has already published the proceedings of the 5th ISSC (http://revistas.rcaap.pt/motricidade/article/view/8800) and hopes to continue to promote events of this nature aiming, particularly, to encourage research and publication in this topic. We want to continue as a reference for the readers and authors of Motricidade during this year of 2018. In my personal name and on behalf of the Editorial Board of Motricidade, I thank all those who contributed to the maturity of Motricidade.