出版社:Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
摘要:The anniversary of the events that have put their mark on Romanian education and science is always an opportunity to make the balance of the successes, but also a duty to position them correctly in the national and international cultural landscape. Even more favourable is the context in which the anniversary years contain several milestones that blend organically and give the measure of quantitative and qualitative accumulations, as well as the measure of the facts of those who have put their mark on the kaleidoscope of professional and scientific successes. How can an anniversary moment be marked more durably than by publishing a book in whose pages there are elaborately gathered the trace elements of a 20-year journey in the fascinating landscape of economic science? As Professor Nicolae Istudor, PhD, the Rector of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies states at the beginning of this book entitled Amfiteatru Economic – Year XX, the 105th Anniversary of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies happily coincides with “two decades since the publishing of the first issue of the Amfiteatru Economic journal and 10 years since the latter’s indexing in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science. The Journal significantly contributes to the international and scientific visibility and recognition of ASE Bucharest”. The author thus reiterates the special place that such a publication, the fruit of an initiative started by a group of enthusiasts, and continued by the multitude of scholars who have directed the best results of their scientific efforts towards it, has in the efforts of The Bucharest University of Economic Studies to continue its path as an advanced research and education university