摘要:This research have shown that the developed composition and method for preparation of granulated organic–mineral admixture S–3SSA allow production in drum granulator of cement materials modifier with de-sired properties using proposed mixing procedure for the admixture ingre-dients which include, mass. %: superplasticizer S–3 – 10; soap stock – 20; salt of inorganic acid – 30 and ash – 40. On the basis of laboratory studies, a ratio of the components included in the molding compound for pressed bricks with improved physical and technical properties was defined. Opti-mal composition of the molding compound should contain the following, mass.%: binder - 10; clay - 5; sand - 82; water - 3. A technological proce-dure for production of pressed brick based on gypsum binders of low water demand (GLWDB) was developed and technological production parame-ters were defined: moulding compound moisture content - 6%; raw materi-al strength – 0.4 MPa; specific pressure - about 15 MPa, curing conditions - natural. Basic physical and technical properties of pressed brick based on GVNV–50S were identified and studied. Strength kinetics, MPa: 1 day – 6.8; 3 days - 12.3; 28 days – 27; density-1950 kg / m3; softening coefficient equal.