摘要:The problem of improving energy efficiency of modern urban buildings is becoming increasingly important. Urbanization, which con-tributes to the growth of megacities, causes an increase in the number of modern high-rise buildings and the development of urban infrastructure, resulting in increased energy consumption. When dealing with the energy efficiency of high-rise buildings, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the location, building orientation with respect to the cardinal di-rections, functional purposes, a three-dimensional and design solutions. Conservation of energy inside high-rise buildings, which contributes to minimum energy consumption in order to create and maintain a comforta-ble temperature, is one of the urgent tasks. This problem can be solved by thermal insulation of cladding and the use of effective heat-insulating ma-terials to reduce the negative impact of climatic factors on high-rise build-ings. Using the example of the Evolution Tower, we analyzed Moscow City high-rise buildings, made calculations and graphs of variation in the temperature and wind speed throughout the height of the building. An in-crease in wind speed and a decrease in temperature throughout the height of the building create extreme conditions that affect the heat loss of high-rise buildings, which must be taken into account in the heat protection of external enclosing structures.