摘要:This paper presents an empirical model for estimating the zonal mean aerosol extinction profiles in the stratosphere over 10°-wide latitude bands between 60°S and 60°N, on the basis of Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) II aerosol extinction measurements at 1.02, 0.525, and 0.452 µm during the volcanically quiescent period between 1998–2004. First, an empirical model is developed for calculating the stratospheric aerosol extinction profiles at 1.02 µm. Then, starting from the 1.02 µm extinction profile and an exponential spectral dependence, an empirical algorithm is developed that allows the aerosol extinction profiles at other wavelengths to be calculated. Comparisons of the model-calculated aerosol extinction profiles at the wavelengths of 1.02, 0.525, and 0.452 µm and the SAGE II measurements show that the model-calculated aerosol extinction coefficients conform well with the SAGE II values, with the relative differences generally being within 15% from 2 km above the tropopause to 40 km. The model-calculated stratospheric aerosol optical depths at the three wavelengths are also in good agreement with the corresponding optical depths derived from the SAGE II measurements, with the relative differences being within 0.9% for all latitude bands. This paper provides a useful tool in simulating zonal mean aerosol extinction profiles, which can be used as representative background stratospheric aerosols in view of atmospheric modeling and remote sensing retrievals.
关键词:aerosol; extinction coefficient; stratosphere; empirical model