摘要:This study investigates the effects of vertical wind shear on the torrential rainfall response to the large-scale forcing using a rainfall separation analysis of a pair of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model sensitivity experiments for a pre-summer heavy rainfall event over southern China from 3–8 June 2008 coupled with National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/ Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) data. The rain-fall partitioning analysis based on the surface rainfall budget indicates that the exclusion of vertical wind shear decreases the contribution to total rainfall from the largest contributor, which is the rainfall associated with local atmospheric drying, water vapor divergence, and hydro-meteor loss/convergence, through the reduction of the rainfall area and reduced rainfall during the rainfall event. The removal of vertical wind shear increases the contribution to total rainfall from the rainfall associated with local atmospheric drying, water vapor convergence, and hydrometeor loss/convergence through the expansion of the rainfall area and enhanced rainfall. The elimination of vertical wind shear enhances heavy rainfall and expands its area, whereas it reduces moderate rainfall and its area.