摘要:AbstractRecently we developedsupervisor localization,a top-down approach to distributed control of discrete-event systems (DES) withfinitebehavior. Its essence is the allocation of monolithic (global) control action among individual (local) control strategies of component agents. In this paper, we extend supervisor localization to study distributed control of DES withinfinitebehavior, in order to address specifications of the ‘eventuality’ or ‘liveness’ type. Specifically, we first employ Thistle and Wonham’s supervisory control theory for DES with infinite behavior to compute asafetysupervisor (enforcing desired finite behavior) and alivenesssupervisor (enforcing desired infinite behavior), and then design a suitable localization procedure to decompose the obtained supervisors respectively into local safety and liveness controllers. We prove that the derived local safety/liveness controllers collectively achieve the same controlled behavior as the monolithic supervisors do.