摘要:Recently, it was suggested by Cai a new semantic/syntactic/episodic model of language, encompassing the sentential meanings to the neural linguistic components, and making it possible to install the whole linguistic functions into robots through the three semantic/syntactic/episodic components. In this article, it is considered some improvements of language brought to the brain and mind of humans over animals, and accordingly some of their impacts on the artificial intelligence. It is pointed out that language is the unique advantage of human brain over animal brain, especially efficient for mutual communication, situation summarization, procedural depiction, story narration, logic thinking, comprehensive integration, and so on. It is advantageous to symbolize or summarize the complex situations, and then to delineate or depict their successions by paragraphs and stories from sentences. Even though thinking requires additional memory, inference and assumption difficult for zip of computer, it can instead benefit from the assistance of language because it as well falls into situational or successional. In application, with the comprehension and expression of language corresponding to the animation and depiction in artificial intelligence respectively, it is possible for the artificial intelligence and adaptive robots to acquire the advantage of linguistic human brain over the animal brain, improving the depiction and communication of complex situations and successions, as well as learning the various complex skills and procedures through language. It is also reversely demonstrated the advantage of linguistic human brain over animal brain with the perspectives of language to greatly improve the robots.
关键词:Semantic/Syntactic/Episodic Model of LanguageSituation SummarizationProcedural DepictionThinkingCommunicationArtificial IntelligenceAdap-tive Robotics