摘要:The quality of crumb rubber has several grades according to Indonesian Rubber Standard (SIR). In crumb rubber process production, lots of products need to rework because it does not match with specified specifications. The types of rework product based on SIR that cause of defects such as hard, soft and dirt. However, the reworked products will produce crumb rubber with lower grade quality. This certainly affects the selling price of the crumb rubber. Also rework will incur additional production costs. Efforts that can be used to minimize the number of rework is to identify the factors that cause failure and determine the priority level of the risk of failure in the production process crumb rubber. It can be used is by using Fuzzy FMEA method. This method aims to get the risk of failure and the level of risk of failure during the crumb rubber production process. Fuzzy FMEA method also obtained the highest RPN value is equal to 489 for the risk of failure of engine dryer temperature is too high. Through the highest priority level of failure (RPN), company can determine the steps to make improvements during the production process to improve the quality of crumb rubber products.