摘要:At the site of cargo package binding in cargo spacecraft, the binding belt tension is loaded with a ratchet device. It is determined by experience of operators, therefore it’s difficult to quantify the force and the reliability of the binding belt is low. Based on the dimension analysis method, a semi-quantitative model was established between the binding belt tension and the ratchet force of the fastening device. The motion of the binding process was carefully observed and analyzed based on Analysis of Therbligs. On this basis, the standard packing process is developed, which improves the repeatability of loading and packing pre loading. A loading test platform for cargo loading is built with small tension sensor and tension tester, and a large number of tension data and ratchet force data are obtained. Based on the least-squares linear data fitting, four coupling models for the four binding belts were established. The coupling model verification experiments show that the calculated values are in good agreement with the measured values, and the errors are mostly lower than 5%. The model can be applied to the quantification of the binding belt tension.