The Pinios River is the third longest river of Greece. It drains the entire drainage basin of Thessaly (eastern part of Central Greece), part of which is the largest plain of the country. In this research the hydrological, geomorphological and geological characteristics of the riverine area of Pinios were studied. Classification and grouping of these characteristics were then carried out, which led to the segmentation of the Pinios River into seven sections, each one with its own set of thematic data. These sets assign separate functions and evolutions of the river system during the Quaternary. Specifically, the basin of the present Pinios River, before its evolution into a river basin, comprised three separate and independent systems. The present Pinios River emerged as a river system from the merging of the lacustrine paleoenvironments along with the major tributaries that drained large parts of the present hydrological basin and as soon as the karstic openings of the central hill valley and the Tempi valley took place during the Quaternary. The followed methodology for the segmentation of the river can be used for the study of heterogeneous river systems.