标题:Mafic-ultramafic rocks and alkaline-carbonatitic magmatism and associated hydrothermal mineralization: A special issue (Part-I) dedicated to Piero Comin-Chiaramonti
摘要:We have much pleasure in presenting this Special Issue
of Central European Journal of Geosciences containing
a collection of papers to celebrate the life and work of
Professor Piero Comin-Chiaramonti – a reputed emeritus
Italian scientist and scholar of carbonatites and alkaline
rocks. The research themes cover many of the subjects
which most interested him, especially processes related to
geological causes that control the migration of fluids and
their interference with the surrounding rocks. The increasing demand for precious metals and strategic elements
from the global market has seen a focus from geoscientists
around the globe on unravelling the development of maficultramafic and associated alkaline and carbonatitic rocks
for their outstanding potential as exploration targets for
these commodities.