标题:A Special Issue (Part-II): mafic-ultramafic rocks and alkaline-carbonatitic magmatism and associated hydrothermal mineralization – dedication to Lia N. Kogarko
摘要:The papers presented in this special issue of Open Geo-sciences (also see [1]) cover a diverse range of topicsfrom the graphite-diamond association in carbonatites, toplatinum-group element (PGE; including platinum, palla-dium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium) miner-alization and many aspects of the petrogenesis of mafc–ultramafc rocks, in keeping with the research interests ofProfessorKogarko.StudiesofPGEmineralizationinmafc-ultramafc rocks are of great interest to exploration geolo-gists due to the fact that PGEs ofer the dual attraction ofrare, high-value precious metals as well as major indus-trial applications. Platinum has aesthetic qualities, com-bined with a permanent lustre, which encourage its use inthemanufactureofjewelleryand,likegold,italsofndsaninvestment role. Platinum, rhodium, and palladium haveimportant applications as catalysts.