摘要:The paper deals with mapping of landscape transition after the collapse of Communism in Czechia on national and local levels. Three maps demonstrate the main trends of landscape transition on the national level (by cadastral units) in the period 1990–2010. The Main Map shows the four most important Processes of landscape change (afforestation, grassing over, intensification, and urbanization). The second map demonstrates the proportion of area where any kind of land use change occurred (Index of change) and the third map (Extensification) indicates the shift to less intensive use of land (increase of forests and grasslands). Two main processes were mapped on the local level, that is, by parcels. The case of Jirny showed strong sububanization: fertile agricultural land has been turned into residential and commercial areas, roads; soil sealing was taking place. On the contrary, grassing over and afforestation was detected in Hošťka where arable land almost disappeared – it was either abandoned or replaced mainly by pastures between 1990 and 2010.
关键词:Land use/land cover change; landscape transition; collapse of communism; Czechia