期刊名称:International Journal of Finance and Accounting
出版社:Scientific & Academic Publishing Co.
摘要:The third paper by Tanaka Industrial Characteristics and the Investment-Uncertainty Relationship: A Panel Study of Data on Japanese Firms examines the relationship between the effect of uncertainty on fixed investment and industrial characteristics based on a set of panel data for Japanese manufacturing firms. He finds that a lower degree of competition in product markets is associated with a greater negative effect of uncertainty on investment. Tanaka also finds that the effect of uncertainty on investment is significantly negative for industries with more irreversible capital goods with a low possibility of resale in a secondhand market or diversion to other industries.In the fourth paper Empirical Research on Depreciation of Business R&D Capital, Tonogi, Kitaoka, and Li estimate research and development (R&D) depreciation rates for 20 Japanese industries. They do this because, starting from 2016, R&D expenditures have begun to be counted as investments by the Japanese System of National Accounts. Then R&D capital stock must be capitalized from R&D expenditures and in that process the knowledge of R&D depreciation is essential. The authors conclude that the obtained estimates are consistent with the results of prior studies.