标题:Simplified Analytical Description of Wagon Movement with Braking Action on the Marshalling Hump Section of the First Braking Position under the Impact of Fair Wind
摘要:In article as the result there has been obtained easy by appearance analytical formula for defining wagon acceleration during braking action. It has been established that wagon acceleration on a particular hump section is dependent on all the forces (wind impact, sliding friction, medium, snow and frost impact,) acting upon the system “wagon-track” and on the mass of the wagon with cargo nonregistering wheelpair mass. On the basis of the wagon acceleration value and known time of retarder braking there has been defined a specific value of rolling speed and wagon braking path according to the hump gradient angle and wagon initial speed on the section.
关键词:Marshalling hump; Wagon; Sliding friction; Sliding with rolling; Rolling friction; The first braking position; Fair wind; Wagon speed; Wagon movement with deceleration