摘要:The aim of this work is to undertake a study on the occurrence of uranium bearing rocks in the area and infer the source, mechanism of migration and structures or rock type hosting uranium mineralization. This was achieved by an integration of radiation point count, petrographic studies and structural analysis. This is necessary because the Gubrunde uranium occurrence is one of the several known trace to extensive mineralization in North East Nigeria that have been least studied even in the midst of the increasing quest for clean and cheap energy. Moreso, the occurrence of uranium in the area is suspected to be associated with several health implications to the human population. The area has favorable geological environment and conditions for uranium mineralization. Field relationship shows that structurally and tectonically controlled Cretaceous continental sandstones are underlain by acidic granites of the Precambrian basement complex. These are in some places, intruded by much younger volcanic which forms traps for uraniferous solution being transported by hydrothermal fluid in structural conduits. Structural analysis of structures in the area showed a NNE-SSW deformational trend. Samples of rocks from the entire area shows dark to brown opaque minerals suspected to be uranium (Uraninite or Coffinite). Radiation point count confirms the occurrence of radiation ranging from 7.5×104 µCi - 6.40×105 µCi concentration levels. There is structural and geochemical control to mineralization in the area. Radiation levels at some points were noted to be above human tolerable levels.