摘要:AbstractThis paper proposes a Fractional Steepest Ascent Method (FSAM) for detecting faults in Traction Control Unit (TCU), which aims at detecting the transient fault caused by electromagnetic radiation, overheating, violent vibration, etc. In FSAM, the maximum value of the signal quadratic energy functional is obtained in time domain by means of Grümwald Letniko (G-L) fractional order technique. For fault detection purpose, the detection threshold is determined with the Root Mean Square (RMS) of the velocity residual absolute value and the fractional order is optimized by searching the maximum ratio of RMS. The simulation results verify that the method proposed is not only sensitive to the TCU fault signals, but also can effectively suppress the noise to some extent.
关键词:KeywordsTCUfault detectionquadratic energy functionalFSAM