摘要:A brief review of the principles of constructing optical gas-analyzing sensors is presented. It is noted that the influence of humidity of the surrounding gas environment during gas analytical procedures using solid-state gas analytical sensors is a serious technological problem. It is shown that sensors of particular interest are functioning on the principle of absorption of the primary light flux because of their reduced sensitivity to fluctuations in the humidity of the carrier gas. The design and the gas analytical properties of an optical chemical sensor are described. Ammonia was used as a test substance in the studies and as a sensitive sensor coating; a functional polymer having a specific highly selective reaction to ammonia was used. The static properties of the sensor were determined, the effect of the carrier gas humidity on its output signal, as well as the stability of the gas analytic properties of the sensor when interacting with ammonia. Analysis of the properties of the optical chemical sensor allows us to conclude that the proposed sensor is promising for solving various gas analytical problems.