摘要:Brassica napus is an important cultivated oilseed crop famous for good quality oil (Canola oil) yet its production is insufficient to meet the domestic demands. One of the problems due to which reduction in yield occurs, is pod shattering at maturity and during harvesting. Enhanced inherent shatter resistance is the best solution for this problem. The phenotypic variation of such complex trait can be studied through Association mapping. The present study was based on delineation of markertrait associations by using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers. A collection of 75 randomly selected most diverse lines, based on the results of previous experiment, was genotyped using 55 polymorphic SSRs covering whole genomes. The population structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) was measured from the genotypic data after removal of minor alleles with P > 0.01, and marker trait associations were was also determined.Minimum 1 and maximum 4 SSRs were found to be highly associated with each trait studied. Important marker-trait associations found were days to 100% PDWXULW\ZLWK³5D$´SRGVKDWWHU SHUFHQWDJH ZLWK ³V15$´ SODQW KHLJKW ZLWK ³V5´ VHHG \LHOG SHU SODQW ZLWK ³3%&(665-8´ DQG WKRXVDQG VHHG ZHLJKW ZLWK ³V15%´ 7KHVH KLJKO\ DVVRFLDWHG PDUNHUV PD\ effectively be used in Marker assisted breeding of Brassica napus. The SSR markers, found highly associated to various traits may be utilized in MAS of Brassica napus inbreeding programs to reduce varietal development time.