摘要:Turkey is among the richest countries in terms of biodiversity because of having different ecoloJLHV DQG FOLPDWLF FKDUDFWHULVWLFV 7XUNH\¶V IORUD consists of approximately 12000 plant species (vascular plants). Geophytes create an important part of the floristic richness of Turkey. Geophytes are considered as ornamental plants in landscape design and they are used in many areas such as beds, border, rock garden, lawn areas etc. The use of these plants in the design can be increased to ensure the continuity of natural species. it was aimed to make a selection of the natural geophytes of Kocaeli province and continuity of visuality. Color is an important characteristic which increases the visual value of the plant. Colors affect human physiology and emotions. A strong visual effect can be created with geophytes flowers.