摘要:To address land subsidence problems caused by the combined effects of groundwater exploitation and high-rise building loads in Cangzhou, %LRW¶V consolidation theory was combined with the nonlinear rheological theory of soils, and the constitutive relation LQ%LRW¶VFRQVROLGDWLRQWKHRU\ZDVH[Wended to viscoelastic plasticity. The dynamic relationships among porosity, hydraulic conductivity, soil deformation parameters and effective stress were considered, and a finite element numerical model was established to simulate and predict land subsidence caused by high-rise building loads and groundwater exploitation. The effects of the coupled processes on land subsidence were also examined. The results showed that the greatest land subsidence (466.82 mm) occurred in Suning County. Land subsidence generally decreased from west to east and was consistent with the degree of groundwater exploitation. Subsidence funnels were generally distributed in county and city centers. The coupling effect was dependent on the groundwater exploitation of shallow aquifers and increased as the exploitation of these aquifers increased.
关键词:Groundwater exploitation;high-rise building load;parameter changes;land subsidence;coupling effect