摘要:One hundred and twenty animal products samples were collected from five governorates in north Jordan in 2014 and 2015 and analyzed to monitor residues of organochlorine pesticides. Seventeen of the whole samples contained residues but less than the maximum residue limits (MRL). The contamiQDWHG VDPSOHV FRQWDLQHG Į- ȕ- Ȗ-HCH, dieldrin, SS¶-DDE and SS¶-DDT. Four analyzed egg samples contained pesticides residues less than the MRL. Ten of the analyzed meat samples contained pesticides residues but less than the MRL. Three analyzed milk product samples contained organochlorine pesticides but less than the MRL. The samples of animal origin were analyzed in the laboratories of the Royal Scientific Society under the request and supervision of the Ministry of Environment. Conclusions and recommendations were suggested to minimize the concentration of organochlorine residues in foodstuff of animal origin in Jordan.