摘要:My wife and I try to make our research home in Lucca, Italyavailable for other academics when we are not using it. We seekrenters for our child friendly recently renovated apartment inLucca, Italy. Our home has 880 square feet inside and a400-square-foot terrace with excellent vistas. There are twobedrooms and a studio with sofa bed, plus a spaciouskitchen/living room and a bathroom. We are ideally equippedfor research (high-speed internet, satellite tv, printer/scanner,voltage transformers, etc.). We have air conditioning and heating,dishwasher and washing machine. We are normally able tonegotiate a 10% discount on Italian language courses for ourtenants. The apartment will next be available from November 15,2010 to April 30, 2010, and again from September 1, 2011 toJune 7, 2012.