摘要:The significance of early hexameter hymns and their narratives for Latin and later Greek literaturehas been appreciated occasionally in previous scholarship (A. Barchiesi ‘Venus’ Masterplot:Ovid and the Homeric Hymns’ 1999 issued a call for future work on the Hymns’ influence onOvid, which has yet to be fully heeded; cf. also S. Hinds The Metamorphosis of Persephone 1987). But there has been no concentrated effort to bring together a fuller picture of the later layers oftheir reception. We invite proposals for papers on the reception of the Homeric Hymns (andrelated hexameter texts: e.g. cosmologies and philosophical texts) in Latin and later Greekliterature. In Greek the focus will be on reception in Hellenistic, Imperial and Late Antique texts, with the exception of primary reception in Callimachus, Theocritus, and Apollonius, as theircorpora have already been well treated in this respect. Reception will be defined broadly in thevolume (linguistic or thematic allusion, intertextuality, adaptation of the form, performance, reception in visual arts, etc.).